The sun glistened off the water, sending a ray of light into Diana's eyes. Raising her hand to block the sun, she looks toward her children playing in the backyard. Ace sat with his trucks splayed all around him. Eva sat next to him laughing as he tickled her over and over. Diana smiled at her children, leaning forward to grab the glass of iced tea from the table. Suddenly a pair of strong arms came around her pulling her against the chair she was sitting in. Looking up her gaze locked with her husband's playful eyes.
"Hello my darling! How was your nap?" She said as Sidney moved and sat into the chair next to her.
Smiling, he reached over to pour himself a glass. "It was refreshing! How are you my love?"
"Great! The kids are enjoying the beautiful sunny day!" They both turned their gaze to the two kids, laughing and playing on the lawn. Sid smiled and took a sip of the iced tea.
"Well, that's good! I was thinking we could take a drive out to Cole Harbour and see mum and dad."
"That's a wonderful idea! The kids would love to see their grandparents." Diana got up and stood in front of her husband. Putting his glass down, Sid reached up and pulled his wife onto his lap. She giggled as he kissed her nose.
Sidney wrapped his arms around her and kissed her softly. It was a beautiful summer day in Halifax, Nova Scotia and he thought a nice drive would be just what they needed.
"Well shall we gather up the children?" Diana said, glancing back at the kids. Ace had gotten up and had picked his little sister up. They were walking toward the deck where their parents sat.
Sid nodded, letting Diana get up and following suit. "Okay you two, do you want to go see Nana and Papa?" He called to his kids.
"YAY!!! I wanna see Nana!" Ace shouted, almost losing his grip on Eva.
Sid swiftly jumped off the deck and took his daughter from her brother. "Easy there buddy, don't drop her."
Ace's eyebrows furrowed and he frowned, "I wasn't gonna drop her Daddy!" He said defiantly.
Diana laughed and reached out her hand to her son. "Come on champ, let's go get changed into some clean clothes."
The family went into the house, Ace and Diana heading to his bedroom to get some clothes. Sidney took Eva into her room to change her. "What do you want to wear bud?" Diana asked her son, who had flopped down on his new toddler bed.
"I wanna wear my jersey!" He replied, sitting up.
Diana reached up and took his penguins jersey from the closet. She then pulled a pair of jeans from his drawer. "Alright champ. Here you go, let's get you dressed, arms up!"
Ace raised his arms for his mom to pull of his shirt. Once he was changed, she helped him on with his shoes and they went to find his Daddy and sister. They found them in Eva's room, Sid tickling her as she lay on the change table. Eva was giggling and squirming everywhere.
"I can see you've made a lot of progress." Diana teased, playfully patting Sid's ass. He grinned and gave her a peck on the cheek.
Diana picked up the little summer dress that was laying next to Eva on the table. "This is cute! Nice choice love."
"I figured it was appropriate to go see the grandparents in." Sid responded, taking the dress from his wife. Helping Eva sit up, he pulled the dress over her head and did up the buttons in the back. "There, all set!"
After getting the kids settled in their car seats, they set off for Cole Harbour. Diana stared out the window, singing to the radio. Ace and Eva sat in the back seat playing with their car toys. Letting out a deep breath, Diana turned and looked at her husband.
"I love Halifax. It's just so peaceful and beautiful. I could stay here forever." She said, running her hand through her hair.
Sid smiled at her and reached over to take her hand. "I love it too baby. I don't think I could ever stay away for very long." He squeezed her hand gently.
She smiled back, then turned to gaze out the window again. Diana had told Sid before that when he retired, she wanted to move back to Halifax permanently. As much as she loved Pittsburgh, she couldn't see growing old anywhere but Halifax. Of course, she was happy wherever Sidney was. Her place was by his side, and her heart was always wherever he happened to be, regardless of where that was.
When they arrived at Troy and Trina's home, Ace raced to the front door. "Nana! Papa!!! We're here!!!" He called as he opened the front door and stepped into the house.
"Hey son, shoes!!" Sid called, lifting Eva out of her car seat.
"Sorry Daddy!" Ace called, sitting down to take his shoes off. Troy came into view in front of Ace.
Smiling down at his grandson, Troy held out his arms. "Hey there sport!" He said.
"PAPA!!!!!" Acelin cried, jumping into his grandpa's arms. Troy laughed as he hugged his grandson.
Trina walked up behind her husband, smiling at her grandson. "Do I get one too?" She asked, holding out her arms.
Ace laughed and ran to her. "Of course Nana!!! I missed you!!!" His little arms clung to Trina's neck in a warm embrace.
Sid handed Eva to his dad. Eva squealed with excitement as her grandpa hugged her. "How's my little princess?" Troy said, kissing Eva's forehead.
Eva responded by giving him a slobbery kiss on the nose. The grown ups laughed as they entered the house, Diana closing the door behind them. After taking off their shoes, everyone went into the living room and sat down. Trina had put Ace down and was now taking Eva from her husband.
"How are you two doing dad?" Sidney asked, leaning back on the couch and putting his arm around his wife.
"Oh we're alive and kicking. About the same as always. And how are you all doing?"
Trina sat with Eva on her lap, playing peek-a-boo. Eva squealed and laughed, causing her grandma to laugh as well. Sidney and Diana smiled at the two of them. Acelin went over and climbed onto Troy's lap.
"We're fantastic! As you can see the kids are growing fast. Eva isn't quite talking yet, we're still trying to get her to say her first word!" Diana said, her hand resting on her husband's leg.
The four adults sat talking for a while, then Trina decided she was going to take the kids and make some cookies. Sid and Troy went out onto the deck, while Diana stayed in the kitchen with Trina and the children. About an hour later, Troy came back in and told Diana she should go sit outside with her husband while he and Trina played with the kids.
"You look very relaxed and happy my love." Diana said, sitting in her husband's lap. Sidney wrapped his arms around her and smiled.
"I am. I'm always happy here. It's almost like a sanctuary for me." Lifting Diana's hand to his lips he kissed her fingers one by one.
Diana ran her fingers through his hair and down his cheek. His skin was tanned with sun, his eyes shining. It seemed that he just became more and more handsome every day. His strong jaw, dark hair and beautiful eyes making it hard not to be attracted to him.
"That's good." She noticed a distant look in his eyes, "What's on your mind darling?"
Sid shrugged, and looked out over the yard. The very yard he'd grown up in. Everything looked the same, yet different. Maybe it was because he was looking at it through a man's eyes, no longer a child's.
"I'm just thinking about what you said before. About how you could stay here forever." Looking at his wife, he kissed her hand again.
His wife stayed silent, allowing him to gather his thoughts. She knew him well enough to know he wasn't finished.
"I know that once I'm retired, you won't be happy unless you are up here in Nova Scotia. I'm a little torn I guess. I love Pittsburgh. The people, the city itself, our house. But I love you and I want you to be happy."
Diana took Sidney's face in her hands and kissed his mouth with a hard but passionate kiss. "Sid, you know that no matter where we are, I'm happy as long as I'm with you. My heart is wherever you are, my home is where you are. I belong beside you, with you, next to you! Nothing else matters!"
They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment. Then Sid pulled her tightly against him, his fingers curling into her hair. He held her tightly, her head resting on his shoulder. He inhaled, her scent filling his nostrils. He loved how she smelled, sweet like wild flowers.
"I love you so much baby girl! You don't even know how much I love you. There's no words that could ever explain it. Everything you have given me is more then I could ever ask for, more then I deserve! When I think about my life, I always think of you and those two beautiful children you've given me. I'm so blessed, and it's all because of you!"
He paused and held her away so he could take her face in his hands. He looked into her eyes and continued,
"At one time I thought hockey was all I'd ever need. But then I found you, and ever since then I've realized that YOU are all I need. You are my passion Diana, you are my love, my heart and my soul. I couldn't live without you!Whatever you want I will give you. I'd do anything for your happiness! And if retiring here in Nova Scotia is what you truly want, then it's yours! I'll be happy just as long as I have you to hold and love."
Tears stung her eyes as she stared at her husband. She could feel her heart pounding so hard it threatened to leap right out of her chest. "Oh Sidney! I know my love, I know! I feel the same about you, I always have. Everything will work out the way it's meant to! As long as we have each other, we are where we are meant to be. The heart lies where the ones we love are. I love you Sidney Patrick Crosby!"
Their lips met in a sweet, passionate kiss. "I love you too Diana Ebony Crosby! Forever!"
The second installment of my series. Continued from For Love and Glory! The exciting story of Sidney and Diana Crosby continues! Enjoy! :D

Welcome to Champion Family
This is the second installment of my fan fiction series. The first installment, For Love and Glory was a lot of fun to write. I hope that this one will be as much fun, and that you all will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it! Cheers!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Chapter Eleven
Eva's cries echoed through the house, as Sidney stepped out of the shower. It had been three weeks since Diana had given birth to their second child. Wrapping the towel around his waist, Sid walked down the hall and into the nursery. Diana stood over the crib, reaching in to pick up their daughter.
"Shhh. It's okay little one, mama's here." Diana cooed as she held Eva and placed the bottle in her mouth. Turning she smiled at her husband standing in the doorway.
"How's the little princess this morning?" Sid asked stepping toward his wife, smiling down at his baby girl.
Diana smiled and kissed Sid as she headed to the rocking chair and sat down. "She's doing just fine. Hungry is all."
"Let me go get dressed, I'll change her after she's done eating." Sid bent forward and kissed his wife, then head back into their bedroom. Once he was dressed, he joined the girls back in the nursery. Acelin was also there, sitting on the floor watching his mommy and baby sister.
Sid ruffled his hair, causing Ace to jump up and latch onto his waist. Sid laughed and lifted his son into the air. Ace squealed and laughed. After setting him down again, Sid took Eva from his wife and laid her on the change table.
"Who's got a wet bum? Do you want a diaper change angel?" Sid gooed as he unsnapped the buttons on Eva's sleeper. Eva smiled and cooed up at her daddy. While he changed her, Sidney talked to her and tickled her making her squirm and giggle.
The Crosby's headed into the kitchen, where Diana started breakfast. Ace sat at the table with Sidney, who held his daughter in his arms. Eva giggled as her big brother made silly faces at her, their daddy joining in the fun laughing as his children played. Diana watched out of the corner of her eye, a smile spread on her face.
Today was an off day for Sid, with practice being optional. Sidney had opted to stay home with his family. He tried to take advantage of any days he could spend with his wife and children. Especially since Eva was still a newborn, Sid felt it was so important to spend as much time with her as he could. After all she was daddy's little girl!
"Acelin, please stop playing and eat your breakfast." Diana said calmly, reaching over and wiping Ace's chin with a napkin.
Ace leaned back in his chair and sighed, "Sorry Mama." Eva sucked on her pacifier as Sid held her in one arm and ate with the other.
Just a nice sunny morning and a happy breakfast in the Crosby household. It was how Sid and Diana liked it. These times spent together at the table with each other and their children were precious. Diana almost dreaded the next few days, when Sid would be back to practice and heading off on a road trip.
She hoped things would work out alright, with her being alone with the children for a few days. It was the first road trip that was more then a day or two since Eva was born. Sid had been home most of the time in the last few weeks, and Diana wasn't looking forward to him being gone for that long. As always, she just had to remind herself that it wasn't forever and if she kept busy, Sidney would be home before she knew it.
"What's on your mind love?" Sidney's voice broke into her thoughts and she turned to smile at him.
"Oh nothing important honey. Just thinking." Diana smiled again and stood up to put the dishes in the dishwasher.
Sidney playfully swatted her butt as she walked by, making Ace giggle behind his hand.
"Daddy gave you a spanking Mama!" He said giggling.
His parent's laughed and Sid ruffled his hair. "He sure did Ace."
"So little man, what shall we do today?" Sid asked, shifting Eva to his other arm.
Ace rested his chin on his hands. "Hmm, toy store!!!!" He said eagerly, jumping up from his chair.
Looking over at his wife, Sid raised an eyebrow. Diana laughed and placed the dish towel back on the oven door handle. "Well, I think that's a splendid idea!"
"Toy store it is! Just let me get Eva ready then we'll go. Go get some socks on buddy." Sid stood up and headed to the nursery to get his daughter ready for the outing.
Once the kids were dressed in their coats and Eva was buckled into her car seat, the family got in the Rover and headed off for the toy store. Acelin chattered happily to his baby sister, who in turn cooed and gooed back at him. Sidney reached over and took his wife's hand, squeezing it gently. She smiled and squeezed back. They were still very affectionate, always holding hands and showing their affection all the time. Even after two children and years of struggles, they were still very much in love. Diana felt that their love would only grow stronger as the years went on.
When they arrived at the toy store, Sidney helped Ace out of the Rover and began to set up the stroller for Eva. Diana took Eva out of the Rover and snapped her car seat into the stroller. Then they headed off into the store. Ace immediately ran over to the toy truck section, squealing with excitement.
"Oooo! They have a new one Mama!" He cried, pulling a truck from the shelf.
It was the latest truck in a set that Ace was collecting. He already had the first three and was anxious for this one to be in stores. Diana sighed and shook her head in defeat.
"Ask your daddy little man." She answered, leaning forward to place the pacifier back in Eva's mouth.
Acelin looked up at his daddy, his eyes pleading. "Please Daddy?? I already have the other three!!"
Sidney stayed quiet for a moment, then finally sighed, "Alright buddy, you can get it."
Ace screeched with excitement and clutched the truck under his arm. While he and Sidney continued to look at the toys, Diana slowly wandered over to the baby clothes section. She casually looked through the girl clothes, while Eva slept soundly in the stroller.
After spending an hour in the store, Diana suggested they go out to eat. Ace jumped up and down excitedly.
"Yes Mama!! Can we have chinese food? Can we, can we?" Ace jumped around as Diana place Eva into the Rover.
"I don't see why not, but you better ask daddy if that's alright." Diana lifted Ace up so he could get into his car seat. Then she buckled him in.
Sid got into the driver's seat and turned to look at his son. "So bud, where do you want to go?"
Ace grinned and clapped his hands together. "PF Changs Daddy!!!!" He replied with excitement.
Sid grinned and turned back around, putting his seat belt on as Diana got in and buckled herself.
"P.F. Changs it is!" Diana and Sid talked while Ace played with his new truck and Eva slept. It was a great day so far and they were happy to spend a family day together.
Dinner was great, their waitress even brought Ace a free bowl of ice cream. She told him it was because he was such a handsome little boy, which made him grin from ear to ear. Eva slept most of the time, except for a half hour in which Diana fed and burped her. After dinner, they headed home to make popcorn and watch movies until it was bedtime for the kids.
Once the kids were in bed asleep, Diana and Sid quietly slipped into their bedroom for some cuddle time and much needed sleep. It had been a great day together as a family. Tomorrow it would be business as usual and Sid would once again be leaving on a road trip. But for that night, Diana had him all to herself.
"Shhh. It's okay little one, mama's here." Diana cooed as she held Eva and placed the bottle in her mouth. Turning she smiled at her husband standing in the doorway.
"How's the little princess this morning?" Sid asked stepping toward his wife, smiling down at his baby girl.
Diana smiled and kissed Sid as she headed to the rocking chair and sat down. "She's doing just fine. Hungry is all."
"Let me go get dressed, I'll change her after she's done eating." Sid bent forward and kissed his wife, then head back into their bedroom. Once he was dressed, he joined the girls back in the nursery. Acelin was also there, sitting on the floor watching his mommy and baby sister.
Sid ruffled his hair, causing Ace to jump up and latch onto his waist. Sid laughed and lifted his son into the air. Ace squealed and laughed. After setting him down again, Sid took Eva from his wife and laid her on the change table.
"Who's got a wet bum? Do you want a diaper change angel?" Sid gooed as he unsnapped the buttons on Eva's sleeper. Eva smiled and cooed up at her daddy. While he changed her, Sidney talked to her and tickled her making her squirm and giggle.
The Crosby's headed into the kitchen, where Diana started breakfast. Ace sat at the table with Sidney, who held his daughter in his arms. Eva giggled as her big brother made silly faces at her, their daddy joining in the fun laughing as his children played. Diana watched out of the corner of her eye, a smile spread on her face.
Today was an off day for Sid, with practice being optional. Sidney had opted to stay home with his family. He tried to take advantage of any days he could spend with his wife and children. Especially since Eva was still a newborn, Sid felt it was so important to spend as much time with her as he could. After all she was daddy's little girl!
"Acelin, please stop playing and eat your breakfast." Diana said calmly, reaching over and wiping Ace's chin with a napkin.
Ace leaned back in his chair and sighed, "Sorry Mama." Eva sucked on her pacifier as Sid held her in one arm and ate with the other.
Just a nice sunny morning and a happy breakfast in the Crosby household. It was how Sid and Diana liked it. These times spent together at the table with each other and their children were precious. Diana almost dreaded the next few days, when Sid would be back to practice and heading off on a road trip.
She hoped things would work out alright, with her being alone with the children for a few days. It was the first road trip that was more then a day or two since Eva was born. Sid had been home most of the time in the last few weeks, and Diana wasn't looking forward to him being gone for that long. As always, she just had to remind herself that it wasn't forever and if she kept busy, Sidney would be home before she knew it.
"What's on your mind love?" Sidney's voice broke into her thoughts and she turned to smile at him.
"Oh nothing important honey. Just thinking." Diana smiled again and stood up to put the dishes in the dishwasher.
Sidney playfully swatted her butt as she walked by, making Ace giggle behind his hand.
"Daddy gave you a spanking Mama!" He said giggling.
His parent's laughed and Sid ruffled his hair. "He sure did Ace."
"So little man, what shall we do today?" Sid asked, shifting Eva to his other arm.
Ace rested his chin on his hands. "Hmm, toy store!!!!" He said eagerly, jumping up from his chair.
Looking over at his wife, Sid raised an eyebrow. Diana laughed and placed the dish towel back on the oven door handle. "Well, I think that's a splendid idea!"
"Toy store it is! Just let me get Eva ready then we'll go. Go get some socks on buddy." Sid stood up and headed to the nursery to get his daughter ready for the outing.
Once the kids were dressed in their coats and Eva was buckled into her car seat, the family got in the Rover and headed off for the toy store. Acelin chattered happily to his baby sister, who in turn cooed and gooed back at him. Sidney reached over and took his wife's hand, squeezing it gently. She smiled and squeezed back. They were still very affectionate, always holding hands and showing their affection all the time. Even after two children and years of struggles, they were still very much in love. Diana felt that their love would only grow stronger as the years went on.
When they arrived at the toy store, Sidney helped Ace out of the Rover and began to set up the stroller for Eva. Diana took Eva out of the Rover and snapped her car seat into the stroller. Then they headed off into the store. Ace immediately ran over to the toy truck section, squealing with excitement.
"Oooo! They have a new one Mama!" He cried, pulling a truck from the shelf.
It was the latest truck in a set that Ace was collecting. He already had the first three and was anxious for this one to be in stores. Diana sighed and shook her head in defeat.
"Ask your daddy little man." She answered, leaning forward to place the pacifier back in Eva's mouth.
Acelin looked up at his daddy, his eyes pleading. "Please Daddy?? I already have the other three!!"
Sidney stayed quiet for a moment, then finally sighed, "Alright buddy, you can get it."
Ace screeched with excitement and clutched the truck under his arm. While he and Sidney continued to look at the toys, Diana slowly wandered over to the baby clothes section. She casually looked through the girl clothes, while Eva slept soundly in the stroller.
After spending an hour in the store, Diana suggested they go out to eat. Ace jumped up and down excitedly.
"Yes Mama!! Can we have chinese food? Can we, can we?" Ace jumped around as Diana place Eva into the Rover.
"I don't see why not, but you better ask daddy if that's alright." Diana lifted Ace up so he could get into his car seat. Then she buckled him in.
Sid got into the driver's seat and turned to look at his son. "So bud, where do you want to go?"
Ace grinned and clapped his hands together. "PF Changs Daddy!!!!" He replied with excitement.
Sid grinned and turned back around, putting his seat belt on as Diana got in and buckled herself.
"P.F. Changs it is!" Diana and Sid talked while Ace played with his new truck and Eva slept. It was a great day so far and they were happy to spend a family day together.
Dinner was great, their waitress even brought Ace a free bowl of ice cream. She told him it was because he was such a handsome little boy, which made him grin from ear to ear. Eva slept most of the time, except for a half hour in which Diana fed and burped her. After dinner, they headed home to make popcorn and watch movies until it was bedtime for the kids.
Once the kids were in bed asleep, Diana and Sid quietly slipped into their bedroom for some cuddle time and much needed sleep. It had been a great day together as a family. Tomorrow it would be business as usual and Sid would once again be leaving on a road trip. But for that night, Diana had him all to herself.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Chapter Ten: Daddy's Girl
Sid awakens to his wife gently nudging his shoulder. Turning over and propping himself up on his elbows he looks at Diana. "What's wrong baby?"
"It's time Sid. The contractions are coming every 4 minutes and they're really strong." Diana manages to whisper as she grasped her belly and winced in pain.
Sidney jumps out of bed and throws on his clothes. Moving to her side of the bed, he reaches down and pulls her up into his arms.
"Can you walk love? Or should I carry you?" He asks softly, as she leans against him.
"I..I think I can walk. We have to call Natalie to come over to watch Acelin." Diana grunted and gripped Sid's shoulders as another contraction hit her.
Sid led her to the couch and sat her down. "Sit here for a second while I call Natalie." He said, grabbing the phone and dialing the Lemieux's number.
After hanging up, he went to get Diana's bag from the bedroom. Sitting next to his wife he rubbed her back as she moaned through the contractions. "Natalie is on her way. We'll leave as soon as she gets here. Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine. The contractions are really strong." Diana whispered, leaning her head against Sid's shoulder.
Minutes later, Natalie Lemieux arrived. After giving her brief instructions and thanking her for watching Ace, Sidney helped Diana out to the Rover and they headed to the hospital. On the way, Diana's contractions became much stronger and more frequent. Sid kept glancing over at his wife, as she groaned through them here head resting on the headrest and here eyes closed. As excited as he was to be a father again, Sidney hated seeing Diana in so much pain.
Once they got to the hospital they were immediately brought to labor and delivery. It wasn't long before Dr. Mayan came into the room to check Diana's cervix and see how far she was. Sidney continued to rub her shoulders and softly whisper encouragement in her ear.
"Well, You're 9 cm. So I think it will be soon. You're doing great Diana!" Dr. Mayan said after checking her.
Diana smiled weakly and thanked him. She then turned and looked up at her husband. "Are you ready love?"
"I sure am, are you?" Sid replied.
Five minutes later, Diana screamed as she pushed down, the baby's head now visible. Thick curls of black hair crowned the baby's head and both Diana and Sid smiled with joy. Tears streamed down Sidney's face as their daughter came tumbling out and was laid on his wife's belly. The baby's screams like music to their ears.
"She's gorgeous! You did fantastic baby! I'm so proud of you! I love you!" Sid gushed, wiping the tears from his face and kissing his wife.
Diana smiled through her own tears as she looked from her daughter to her husband. "I love you too. We have a beautiful little girl!"
After the baby was cleaned up, and mother and baby were settled in their room. Sidney was on the phone calling his parents. Then he called Mario and Natalie, letting them know they could bring Ace in the morning after breakfast, to see his baby sister. Diana then called her father, to let him know he had a granddaughter.
About 10:00 am the next morning, the Lemieuxs arrived with Ace to meet the new addition. Ace hugged his parents and stared curiously at the little dark haired bundle in his mother's arms.
"What did you name her?" Mario asked, gently brushing the baby's head with his finger.
"Eva Taylor-Marie. We decided on Taylor after Aunt Taylor." Sid beamed with pride as he looked lovingly at his wife and children. He was so blessed. Not only to have a beautiful, loving wife but also two amazing children. He was truly a lucky man.
"What a beautiful name! Fits her perfectly! She truly is gorgeous, congratulations!" Natalie gushed smiling at the beautiful baby.
Diana turned to her son, who was still observing Eva with quiet fascination. "Would you like to hold her Ace?"
Acelin's face lit up as he nodded eagerly. "Yes please Mama!"
Sid took Eva from her mother, and waited until Ace had settled down in the chair beside the bed. "Okay just be careful and make sure you support her head okay bud?" He said as he gently laid his daughter in Ace's arms.
Everyone smiled, as Ace beaming with pride held his newborn baby sister. Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead. "Hi Eva. Do you know who I am? I'm your big brother Ace!" He whispered to Eva, a smile spread across his face.
Sid sat on the bed and took his wife's hand kissing it. They both sat and watched their children bond. Ace looked up at his parents and grinned.
"She's really pretty! I love her Mama!" He gushed to everyone's gentle laughter.
"It's time Sid. The contractions are coming every 4 minutes and they're really strong." Diana manages to whisper as she grasped her belly and winced in pain.
Sidney jumps out of bed and throws on his clothes. Moving to her side of the bed, he reaches down and pulls her up into his arms.
"Can you walk love? Or should I carry you?" He asks softly, as she leans against him.
"I..I think I can walk. We have to call Natalie to come over to watch Acelin." Diana grunted and gripped Sid's shoulders as another contraction hit her.
Sid led her to the couch and sat her down. "Sit here for a second while I call Natalie." He said, grabbing the phone and dialing the Lemieux's number.
After hanging up, he went to get Diana's bag from the bedroom. Sitting next to his wife he rubbed her back as she moaned through the contractions. "Natalie is on her way. We'll leave as soon as she gets here. Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine. The contractions are really strong." Diana whispered, leaning her head against Sid's shoulder.
Minutes later, Natalie Lemieux arrived. After giving her brief instructions and thanking her for watching Ace, Sidney helped Diana out to the Rover and they headed to the hospital. On the way, Diana's contractions became much stronger and more frequent. Sid kept glancing over at his wife, as she groaned through them here head resting on the headrest and here eyes closed. As excited as he was to be a father again, Sidney hated seeing Diana in so much pain.
Once they got to the hospital they were immediately brought to labor and delivery. It wasn't long before Dr. Mayan came into the room to check Diana's cervix and see how far she was. Sidney continued to rub her shoulders and softly whisper encouragement in her ear.
"Well, You're 9 cm. So I think it will be soon. You're doing great Diana!" Dr. Mayan said after checking her.
Diana smiled weakly and thanked him. She then turned and looked up at her husband. "Are you ready love?"
"I sure am, are you?" Sid replied.
Five minutes later, Diana screamed as she pushed down, the baby's head now visible. Thick curls of black hair crowned the baby's head and both Diana and Sid smiled with joy. Tears streamed down Sidney's face as their daughter came tumbling out and was laid on his wife's belly. The baby's screams like music to their ears.
"She's gorgeous! You did fantastic baby! I'm so proud of you! I love you!" Sid gushed, wiping the tears from his face and kissing his wife.
Diana smiled through her own tears as she looked from her daughter to her husband. "I love you too. We have a beautiful little girl!"
After the baby was cleaned up, and mother and baby were settled in their room. Sidney was on the phone calling his parents. Then he called Mario and Natalie, letting them know they could bring Ace in the morning after breakfast, to see his baby sister. Diana then called her father, to let him know he had a granddaughter.
About 10:00 am the next morning, the Lemieuxs arrived with Ace to meet the new addition. Ace hugged his parents and stared curiously at the little dark haired bundle in his mother's arms.
"What did you name her?" Mario asked, gently brushing the baby's head with his finger.
"Eva Taylor-Marie. We decided on Taylor after Aunt Taylor." Sid beamed with pride as he looked lovingly at his wife and children. He was so blessed. Not only to have a beautiful, loving wife but also two amazing children. He was truly a lucky man.
"What a beautiful name! Fits her perfectly! She truly is gorgeous, congratulations!" Natalie gushed smiling at the beautiful baby.
Diana turned to her son, who was still observing Eva with quiet fascination. "Would you like to hold her Ace?"
Acelin's face lit up as he nodded eagerly. "Yes please Mama!"
Sid took Eva from her mother, and waited until Ace had settled down in the chair beside the bed. "Okay just be careful and make sure you support her head okay bud?" He said as he gently laid his daughter in Ace's arms.
Everyone smiled, as Ace beaming with pride held his newborn baby sister. Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead. "Hi Eva. Do you know who I am? I'm your big brother Ace!" He whispered to Eva, a smile spread across his face.
Sid sat on the bed and took his wife's hand kissing it. They both sat and watched their children bond. Ace looked up at his parents and grinned.
"She's really pretty! I love her Mama!" He gushed to everyone's gentle laughter.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Chapter Nine
Diana placed her hand on her swelled belly, feeling the baby move and kick vigorously. Smiling, she turned her attention back to the freezer of frozen goods. Staring at it for a moment Diana decided on corn and pulled a bag off the shelve and tossed it into the cart. Ace giggled as he kicked playfully in the front of the cart. "Having fun little man?" Diana said, tousling his curly brown hair. She was amazed at how quickly he was growing. Eighteen month old Acelin was looking more and more like his daddy every day, with his dark, curly, brown hair and hazel eyes. He was handsome just like Sidney and every time she looked at him, Diana could feel a flutter of butterflies in her stomach.
She was so proud of her family. Everything she'd ever wanted or dreamed of was right there. Sid was the love of her life and every day she loved him even more then the day before. Acelin was a gift that she was so thankful to have been given. He was strong, healthy and handsome; the best son any mother could ask for. Walking down the grocery store isle, Diana felt the baby kick again. Her due date was getting closer, and she was anxious to finally be able to see her baby.
"Mama, can we get fruit loops?" Ace asked as they turned into the cereal isle.
"I guess we can buy a box of them today." Diana smiled at her son, as she grabbed the box of fruit loops off the shelf. Just then her phone went off. Tossing the box of cereal into the cart, she reached into her purse. It was Sid.
"Hello love."
Sid's voice was soft and gentle on the other end of the line. " Hi beautiful, how are you feeling?"
"I'm alright, just grocery shopping right now. How are you? What time is your flight?" Diana asked, leaning against the cart.
"I'm good. Anxious to get home to you and the little man. Our flight leaves at 11:45, so I'll be home late."
Diana sighed and continued down the isle, pushing the cart. "Okay, Ace will be disappointed but oh well. Please wake me when you get in though okay honey?"
"I will, I promise love. Je t'aime mon ange!" Sidney said gently.
"Je t'aime trop, Sid." Diana placed the phone back in her purse and looked at her son. "Daddy won't be home until after you're in bed. Sorry buddy, I know you really wanted to see him."
Ace looked at his mommy with a frown. "That's okay Mama."
When they finished shopping, they left the store and Diana started putting the groceries in the Rover. She smiled at Ace as she buckled him into his car seat. Handing him his snack, she closed the door and climbed in behind the wheel. Her belly had grown so big, that she had to have the steering wheel higher then usual. On the way home, Ace sang along to the radio and Diana laughed as she watched him in the rear view mirror.
After putting the groceries away and figuring out what to make for dinner, Diana settled down on the couch and turned on the T.V. Soon she was fast asleep. Ace quietly pulled the throw blanket over her and kissed her cheek.
"Sweet Dweams, Mama." He whispered, then went and played quietly in his room.
Diana awoke with a start a few hours later. Sitting up she wondered how long she'd been asleep. Slowly she got up and walked toward Ace's room to see what her son was up to. Opening the door, she found Ace fast asleep on the floor clutching his stuffed penguin. She smiled and quietly shut the door. She walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of orange juice. Glancing at the clock, she decided to start dinner. On days like this, when Sid was away it seemed almost pointless to make dinner. She longed for him to be at home every evening with her and Ace, sitting at the table eating and laughing together.
Of course, she had known the sacrifices she would have to make long before they married. It had been no surprise to her, yet it was still difficult to take. Even after all these years, it still hurt for him to be gone. Diana was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't hear Ace come in and sit on a chair. He watched her silently for a few minutes, before his little voice brought her back to reality.
"Whatcha thinkin' Mama?" He asked softly, his legs swinging over the edge of the chair.
Diana turned and smiled, "Oh, I was just thinking about your Daddy is all."
Ace sat quietly for a moment, then jumped up and threw his arms around his mommy. " I wish he was already home, Mama. I miss him!"
Leaning slightly to hug him back, Diana kissed the top of his head. " I know honey, I miss him too. But he'll be home before you know it!" It seemed like a long way off to her, but she said nothing.
The best thing to do, was to keep Acelin distracted. Diana tried her best to keep his mind off the fact that Sidney was away. It was just as tough on the little guy as it was on her. She was grateful that she had Acelin to keep her company while Sid was gone. Diana didn't know what she'd do without her little boy.
Later that evening, after dinner was done and the kitchen cleaned, Diana and Ace cuddled together on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and watched a movie. How she loved those precious moments with her son. Just the two of them, spending time together and strengthening the bond between mother and child. Diana felt blessed to have such a smart, beautiful son and couldn't wait to hold their second child in her arms. While they watched their movie, they laughed and played. Acelin laid his head on his mommy's tummy to listen to the baby. The baby kicking in response to Ace's voice.
"I think she knows it's me Mama." Ace said looking up at Diana, his eyes shining with excitement.
"You know what? I think you're right!" She replied, smiling and running her fingers through his curly brown hair.
Ace pursed his lips together, as though he was pondering something. " Ya know what Mama? I think it's a girl."
Diana smiled, "You think so huh? Well you might be right! I guess we'll find out soon enough." She kissed his head as he layed against her, putting his hands on her belly so he could feel the baby moving.
Late that night, Diana was awakened by a gentle hand on her shoulder. Opening her eyes, she looked up into her husband's beautiful eyes looking down at her. She smiled, as she sat up and turned to him.
"Hello my darling. I'm home." Sid said softly, smiling as he kissed his wife.
"I'm glad! I missed you, my love." Diana's arms wrapped around his neck, her lips smothering his face with kisses.
Gently she pushed him onto his back. She then climbed on top of him, her legs on either side of his hips. Sid looked up at her smiling, his hands pulling her gown up over her head. He slid his fingers gently down her arms, then across her swelled belly. Diana leaned forward, her mouth hungrily capturing his.
After getting undressed, they lay there kissing softly. " I love you Diana." Sid whispered against her neck, as his lips grazed her skin.
As they made love, Diana moaned, how much she loved him softly into his ear. Then they lay close together, Diana curling her body into his.
She was so proud of her family. Everything she'd ever wanted or dreamed of was right there. Sid was the love of her life and every day she loved him even more then the day before. Acelin was a gift that she was so thankful to have been given. He was strong, healthy and handsome; the best son any mother could ask for. Walking down the grocery store isle, Diana felt the baby kick again. Her due date was getting closer, and she was anxious to finally be able to see her baby.
"Mama, can we get fruit loops?" Ace asked as they turned into the cereal isle.
"I guess we can buy a box of them today." Diana smiled at her son, as she grabbed the box of fruit loops off the shelf. Just then her phone went off. Tossing the box of cereal into the cart, she reached into her purse. It was Sid.
"Hello love."
Sid's voice was soft and gentle on the other end of the line. " Hi beautiful, how are you feeling?"
"I'm alright, just grocery shopping right now. How are you? What time is your flight?" Diana asked, leaning against the cart.
"I'm good. Anxious to get home to you and the little man. Our flight leaves at 11:45, so I'll be home late."
Diana sighed and continued down the isle, pushing the cart. "Okay, Ace will be disappointed but oh well. Please wake me when you get in though okay honey?"
"I will, I promise love. Je t'aime mon ange!" Sidney said gently.
"Je t'aime trop, Sid." Diana placed the phone back in her purse and looked at her son. "Daddy won't be home until after you're in bed. Sorry buddy, I know you really wanted to see him."
Ace looked at his mommy with a frown. "That's okay Mama."
When they finished shopping, they left the store and Diana started putting the groceries in the Rover. She smiled at Ace as she buckled him into his car seat. Handing him his snack, she closed the door and climbed in behind the wheel. Her belly had grown so big, that she had to have the steering wheel higher then usual. On the way home, Ace sang along to the radio and Diana laughed as she watched him in the rear view mirror.
After putting the groceries away and figuring out what to make for dinner, Diana settled down on the couch and turned on the T.V. Soon she was fast asleep. Ace quietly pulled the throw blanket over her and kissed her cheek.
"Sweet Dweams, Mama." He whispered, then went and played quietly in his room.
Diana awoke with a start a few hours later. Sitting up she wondered how long she'd been asleep. Slowly she got up and walked toward Ace's room to see what her son was up to. Opening the door, she found Ace fast asleep on the floor clutching his stuffed penguin. She smiled and quietly shut the door. She walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of orange juice. Glancing at the clock, she decided to start dinner. On days like this, when Sid was away it seemed almost pointless to make dinner. She longed for him to be at home every evening with her and Ace, sitting at the table eating and laughing together.
Of course, she had known the sacrifices she would have to make long before they married. It had been no surprise to her, yet it was still difficult to take. Even after all these years, it still hurt for him to be gone. Diana was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't hear Ace come in and sit on a chair. He watched her silently for a few minutes, before his little voice brought her back to reality.
"Whatcha thinkin' Mama?" He asked softly, his legs swinging over the edge of the chair.
Diana turned and smiled, "Oh, I was just thinking about your Daddy is all."
Ace sat quietly for a moment, then jumped up and threw his arms around his mommy. " I wish he was already home, Mama. I miss him!"
Leaning slightly to hug him back, Diana kissed the top of his head. " I know honey, I miss him too. But he'll be home before you know it!" It seemed like a long way off to her, but she said nothing.
The best thing to do, was to keep Acelin distracted. Diana tried her best to keep his mind off the fact that Sidney was away. It was just as tough on the little guy as it was on her. She was grateful that she had Acelin to keep her company while Sid was gone. Diana didn't know what she'd do without her little boy.
Later that evening, after dinner was done and the kitchen cleaned, Diana and Ace cuddled together on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and watched a movie. How she loved those precious moments with her son. Just the two of them, spending time together and strengthening the bond between mother and child. Diana felt blessed to have such a smart, beautiful son and couldn't wait to hold their second child in her arms. While they watched their movie, they laughed and played. Acelin laid his head on his mommy's tummy to listen to the baby. The baby kicking in response to Ace's voice.
"I think she knows it's me Mama." Ace said looking up at Diana, his eyes shining with excitement.
"You know what? I think you're right!" She replied, smiling and running her fingers through his curly brown hair.
Ace pursed his lips together, as though he was pondering something. " Ya know what Mama? I think it's a girl."
Diana smiled, "You think so huh? Well you might be right! I guess we'll find out soon enough." She kissed his head as he layed against her, putting his hands on her belly so he could feel the baby moving.
Late that night, Diana was awakened by a gentle hand on her shoulder. Opening her eyes, she looked up into her husband's beautiful eyes looking down at her. She smiled, as she sat up and turned to him.
"Hello my darling. I'm home." Sid said softly, smiling as he kissed his wife.
"I'm glad! I missed you, my love." Diana's arms wrapped around his neck, her lips smothering his face with kisses.
Gently she pushed him onto his back. She then climbed on top of him, her legs on either side of his hips. Sid looked up at her smiling, his hands pulling her gown up over her head. He slid his fingers gently down her arms, then across her swelled belly. Diana leaned forward, her mouth hungrily capturing his.
After getting undressed, they lay there kissing softly. " I love you Diana." Sid whispered against her neck, as his lips grazed her skin.
As they made love, Diana moaned, how much she loved him softly into his ear. Then they lay close together, Diana curling her body into his.
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